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As children grow from babies through toddlers, young children, the dreaded teens and finally to adults they go through many growth stages. During different stages of growth their body is placed under varying stresses. There are a number of factors or biomechanical issues that are good to have checked out by a physio to help ensure your children stay pain and injury free. Babies-toddlers: during this stage there are a number of milestones which are most often the largest concern. These include the recommended time to sit, crawl, walk and develop higher functions likes socialising and language. It is important to realise that all children develop at differing rates, and some may bottom shuffle instead of crawling or skip it altogether and go straight to walking. If you have concerns at this stage speak with your GP/paediatric nurse or physio. Odds are your child just has quite reached that stage yet. Toddler-young children: during this stage changes in the alignment of the lower limb and growth spurts can result in a variety of problems. Many children will often suffer 'growing pains', flat feet, knock or bowed knees and clumsiness with sport and running. If you notice any of these it is important to have them checked to ensure that growing pains are not muscle/tendon injuries and that foot issues are within normal limits. Unchecked these can go on to generate further problems. Teens: Once again an important area due to massive growth spurts and changes to the general structure of their body as puberty takes hold. It is also at this stage that we often see dramatic increases in the duration and intensity of activity. Common problems during this stage for girls include frontal knee pain, ankle sprains, calf tears and shin splints. For boys common issues include shoulder instabilities, sprained ankles and knees, tendon attachment inflammation (Osgood-schlatters etc) and shin splints. During the school term between work, sports and after school events it can be hard to find time to get these niggling injuries or pains checked but it is important that these issues are sorted out SOONER rather than later and that the appropriate treatment and rehab programmes can be started. For a Free assessment voucher or quick chat to see if your child is appropriate for a full assessment give us a call on 5761860 or email for more information.