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Aggravating movement Why does it aggravate Solution
Lying on painful side   Direct compression from the mattress Add a soft mattress cover eg use a spare duvet
Lying on the non-painful side Upper leg adducts, causing compression Place pillows between your knees and ankles to reduce hip adduction
‘Hip hanging” standing position Increases tension of the ITB, increases compression and may lead to abductor weakness Don’t hip hang
Sitting with legs crossed Compression from the ITB with adduction Don’t cross your legs
Sitting in low chairs Hip rests in flexed position which increases tension on your TFL muscle and your ITB increasing compression. Can cause pain on rising from sitting. Sit on a tall chair so hips are above the level of your knees
Standing on painful leg Pelvis drops on non-weightbearing side leadign to hip adduction Use some support for single leg activities — eg dressing or do in sitting
Walking (especially climbing hills or over striding) If pelvic control is poor the hip can adduct during gait causing compression and pain Stay active but stick to what you can comfortably do, avoid large hills and over- striding
Climbing stairs Pelvis drops on non-weightbearing side leading to hip adduction Hold onto hand rail for support. If servere do 1 step at a time leading with the good leg.