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In order to achieve wellness, optimal performance and/or full recovery from injury or illness a combination of movement and exercise, nutrition and hydration, rest and recovery, and thought and stress control are necessary. Movement and Exercise: The right type and amount of exercise stimulates the growth and strengthening of injured tissues and is vital to the healing process following an injury. Nutrition and Hydration: It is important to eat the right amount and right type of food to ensure that specific nutrients are available for tissue repair. Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential to allow hydration of your joints, allowing your cartilage, discs and nerves to function normally. Rest and Recovery: Your body heals when you rest. It is important to get a balance with the right amount of exercise versus the right amount of rest. At nighttime your body undergoes its physical repair between the hours of 11pm and 1am. Thought and Stress Control: Excessive stress, extreme emotional responses and negative thought patterns may all interfere with the healing process. Your physiotherapist is able to discuss all of these components with you giving you advice and information on how you can manage these factors to achieve the best results for your injury.