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1.Train together

You're health journey doesn't have to be a solo mission ' having a health or fitness coach, or even just friends to workout with, can help keep you motivated. You're more likely to stop what you're doing and make time for health & fitness if you know someone is waiting for you!

2. Footwear

Nothing puts a hurdle in the way of your fitness plan like an injury, especially if it's related to your feet as it will have a chain reaction of effects for other parts of your body. Carefully choosing your shoe design and size will make sure you are protecting and supporting your feet. See one of our local shoe specialist to have a gait/footwear analysis to get the basics sorted but if you need a more in-depth analysis of you gait then book in for a gaitscan with us

3. Include Pilates

Pilates is the secret key to many athletes' success and longevity. Clinical Pilates which includes a variety of core exercises and is guided by a qualified physiotherapist helps to achieve specific outcomes, such as improved posture, balance and coordination. Engaging in Clinical Pilates may motivate you to understand your body better and teach you how to control and activate muscles through everyday movements. Pilates also complements all your other fitness regimes as most exercises require core strength and balance, so Pilates effectively turbo charges your progress in other areas! Speak to one of the team at Bureta Physio to hear about our great membership deals, or click here to check out our schedule.

4. Include massage

Even the worlds best sportspeople only train and play for a certain period of time before they require a recovery period. So why should you feel guilty for having a recovery day here and there?! Massage is an excellent way to rejuvenate your muscles by incorporating them into your lifestyle on a regular basis. You will find that massage will allow your body to recover from exercise a lot quicker, helping to motivate you to continue being active on a regular basis. Call us at Bureta Physio to book your appointment

5. Stretch it out

Effective stretching doesn't need to take hours, but it will require you to make a regular commitment on a weekly basis. Build a lifestyle habit around stretching for it to ultimately become beneficial. Using a foam roller  or trigger point kit can be a fun way to roll out and target muscle soreness and if you've still got time to watch TV, this is an excellent way to multi-task! Come check out rollers or new trigger point kits in the practice. [gallery ids="eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9sb3JlbWVuYmFzZXNpdGUud29yZHByZXNzLnplYWxkLmNvbVwvd3AtY29udGVudFwvdXBsb2Fkc1wvMjAxNVwvMTJcL2dyaWQtZm9hbS1yb2xsZXIuanBnIiwidGl0bGUiOiJncmlkIGZvYW0gcm9sbGVyIiwiY2FwdGlvbiI6IiIsImFsdCI6IiIsImRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIjoiIn0=,eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9sb3JlbWVuYmFzZXNpdGUud29yZHByZXNzLnplYWxkLmNvbVwvd3AtY29udGVudFwvdXBsb2Fkc1wvMjAxNVwvMTJcL3VsdGltYXRlLTYtdHJpZ2dlci1wb2ludC5wbmciLCJ0aXRsZSI6IlVsdGltYXRlIDYgdHJpZ2dlciBwb2ludCIsImNhcHRpb24iOiIiLCJhbHQiOiIiLCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6IiJ9" type="rectangular"]

6. Functional strength

The key to a healthy, fit body is to constantly vary your fitness regime. Varying your exercises conditions your body for the general demands of every day activity, so, it is a paramount attribute of committing to your fitness. Functional strength training typically involves a balance of strength, agility, flexibility, core stability and endurance. At Bureta physio we can complete a biomechanical assessment and running analysis to highlight any areas of weakness/stiffness that may lead to injury and provide you with a personalised strength program to work on these. Call us to book this in.